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What Are Linux SSH Commands?

Let's Explore Some Essential Commands

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A tool for remotely managing and accessing Linux systems is called Secure Shell (SSH).

Now let us look at some crucial SSH commands that will assist you in managing Linux servers:

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Connect to a Remote Server

Command: ‘ssh username@remote_host’ Description: To create a safe link with a distant server, use SSH. Change "username" to your username and "remote_host" to the IP address or domain name of the server.

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Specify Port Number

Command: ‘ssh -p port_number username@remote_host’ Description: Use the -p switch to designate a unique port number. This is helpful if the remote server is using SSH on a non-standard port.

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Generate SSH Key Pair

Command: ‘ssh-keygen -t rsa’ Description: To create an SSH key pair for secure authentication, use this command. With this, connecting to a remote server does not require you to input a password each time.

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Copy SSH Public Key to Server

Command: ‘ssh-copy-id username@remote_host’ Description: You can copy your public key to the authorized_keys file on the remote server by using this command. This enables passwordless SSH authentication.

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