Shared Hosting
Hengelosestraat 201, Amsterdam, Netherlands The - 7521 AC
Visit this websiteZOMRO.COM Reviews ( 40 )
40 Reviews
Overall Rating
Z serwera w chmurze Zomro korzystam już od kilku miesięcy. Dyski SSD zapewniają szybkie przetwarzanie danych, a łącze 1Gbps stabilność połączenia. Wirtualizacja KVM sprawia, że zarządzanie serwerem jest wygodne i elastyczne, a panel sterowania ułatwia konfigurację. Wsparcie techniczne szybko rozwiązuje wszystkie problemy.
My review is for six months of use: I don't use any “heavy” stuff on the site. All that lives on hosting is a small project on basic HTML/CSS + PHP/SQL + JS. And in half a year of use - everything is cool, works as it should, and no one has ever complained about timeouts or unavailability of resources yet
I can say that the price/quality of the service is 10 out of 10, you won't find better, the staff is responsive, they answer right away (though there were few requests and only because of my ignorance of technical components). The servers are convenient, immediately configured, you can adjust them to suit yourself.